What Qualities Make a Good Leader or Manager Stand Out?

Adrian S. Potter
4 min readFeb 9, 2024

Here are some characteristics they possess that others may not have.

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

In life, they claim, the good outweighs the bad.

Although that may be true, we often remember dreadful things far more vividly than the splendid stuff.

Exhibit A would be in our careers. If we traded workplace war stories right now, nearly everyone who reads this article could tell a strong, emotionally charged tale about a horrible boss. We remember their flippant attitude, ham-fisted comments, overbearing nature, incessant micromanaging, or even…their toxic breath.

But when asked about a rock-solid supervisor, the description might be a little harder to process and download. We know we like them, but our thoughts don’t often dive deeper than that surface emotion. Sure, their guidance and support are appreciated, but we tend to dig a little more into what we dislike about a shitty boss over what makes a brilliant one shine.

So, what qualities make a good leader or manager stand out from others? What are some characteristics they possess that others may not have?

Let’s reverse-engineer the recipe for their special sauce.

Good leaders and managers possess diverse qualities that set them apart from others. Here are some key…



Adrian S. Potter

Antisocial Extrovert · Writer and Poet, Engineer, Consultant, Public Speaker · Writing about self-improvement, gratitude, and creativity · www.adrianspotter.com