23 Quotes About Happiness to Start 2023 With a Smile

Adrian S. Potter
5 min readJan 1, 2023

Because life is about finding what makes us happy.

Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/two-yellow-emoji-on-yellow-case-207983/

Let’s get real here — the past few years have felt challenging.

Maybe you feel this way, too. Overwhelmed by anxiety and exhaustion. Swallowed by the familiar angst of mundane routines and a downbeat news cycle.

Between the pandemic, politics, financial strife, bigotry (in all its various forms, isms, and phobias), greed, subpar leadership, indifference, and injustice, the world has forgotten the key to everything.

Life is about finding what makes us happy. Seriously. It is that simple.

Overcoming obstacles and daily life are vital. Human resilience and our inherent ability to overcome obstacles always surprise me. Like nature, folks always seem to find a way to bounce back.

People are like those rogue flowers that somehow take root and rise from the sidewalk cracks. I root for those flowers to grow and bloom, just like I cheer for more optimism and smiles to blossom during this new year.

So here I’ve curated 23 of my favorite quotes about happiness. Will these upbeat words cure the world’s ills? Probably not. But I hope they can give you a little lift, help turn your attention to your sources of joy, and remind us that happiness is always within your…



Adrian S. Potter

Antisocial Extrovert · Writer and Poet, Engineer, Consultant, Public Speaker · Writing about self-improvement, gratitude, and creativity · www.adrianspotter.com